Membership Benefits

What Does My Investment in the Lamar Chamber Do For Me?

It makes you a member of the construction gang, not the wrecking crew.

Chamber sends possible employees or customers your way when inquired.

The Chamber receives thousands of requests for names of businesses and establishments. Only Lamar Chamber members are referred.

It helps improve your community.

It makes money for you - as Lamar grows and prospers, so does your business.


The Chamber doesn't need me...Your chamber works for the benefit of all businesses by building the community in which you make a living.

I can't afford to contribute...Consider this your best advertising dollars spent.

Don't like what the Chamber did on such and such...Just the reason you should come in and help make change.

Who Should Belong to the Chamber of Commerce?

Every business firm, business and professional person, in fact every citizen should support the local Chamber. Each business is successful because of its customers. The Chamber creates more customers for every business and professional firm in the community. The Chamber works for better community events, etc., which are enjoyed by every citizen.

Who Runs the Chamber of Commerce?

The membership runs the Chamber. They annually elect a board of directors who selects a slate of officers including the hiring of staff personnel. Committees made up of chamber members are appointed to plan and work in the various fields of chamber activity with the Chamber staff guiding and coordinating the efforts to accomplish the Chamber's program in line with policies established by the Board of Directors.

How Can I Make My Ideas Known to the Chamber of Commerce?

The BEST way is to serve on a committee whose activities cover the field in which you are interested or arrange to attend a Chamber meeting and be included on the agenda to present your plans and ideas. The ideas are discussed and recommendations are made.

Membership in the Chamber

The Chamber has a minimum membership fee for voting and membership privileges. Regular membership in the Lamar Chamber shall be any "business" that pays full membership dues as set by the Board of Directors. Associate membership in the Lamar Chamber shall be any community service oriented association or individual that pays half of the regular membership as set by the board. An associate member will not be able to have voting privileges, hold an office.

What is My Chamber of Commerce Worth to Me?

Only you can answer this, but it has been established in seminars and institutes that it is the cheapest advertising you can buy.

Contact Information

(719) 336-4379
(719) 336-4370

Postal Address
109A East Beech Street
Lamar, CO 81052

Electronic Mail